The concept behind Social Responsibility is the idea that a business enterprise is accountable for the totality of its economic, environmental and social impact on stakeholders. This implies a continuous commitment by business to behave responsible and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, as well as of the local community and society at large.
In our workshop we have employed mostly under privileged Bangladeshi women. Our main intention behind employing women is to get the quality work and to uplift their social status. We provide them self - sustaining opportunities and help them become independent and self - reliant. We believe that women in Bangladesh are not just for the household work but they too have the potential to be productive and within their capabilities to contribute positively to their own well-being and in turn to the well being of their community.
We have not just contributed in generating employment but also in promoting the garment industry and thereby help to elevate the country’s economy. We make sure to create a beneficial working environment for our employees and make them feel that we all belong to a same family without discrimination.